

生物反馈 technology uses electronic equipment to measure and monitor changes in one’s internal physiological state while teaching breathing, relaxation and meditation exercises. There is over 40 years of research that proves 生物反馈 can be a powerful and helpful tool for improving health and well-being.

生物反馈 is good for...

  • reducing stress
  • increasing your energy level
  • 睡觉更好
  • minimizing anxiety and worry
  • increasing your motivation
  • improving your concentration and mental accuracy
  • enhancing your health and well-being

生物反馈 at UNH

健康 & 健康 has a computer-based 生物反馈 program that:

  • teaches a variety of stress-reduction techniques
  • provides opportunity for practice
  • monitors breath rate, heart rate, body perspiration and temperature

The program is divided into 15 sessions. It only takes a maximum of 30-minutes to complete each session. Students can work through the program at his/her own pace. We recommend only doing, at most, one session each day. The program can be completed over several weeks.


任命 with the 生物反馈 machine are free and available to the UNH community (students, 教师, 员工). Sessions are 30 minutes. 

Instructions on how to use the program, headphones (you can bring your own if you would like) and educational materials will be provided at your appointment.