Research shows 90% of Granite Staters participate in $2.7B outdoor recreation industry

Friday, March 8, 2024
Three young people on rocky mountaintop with lake in background

To boost the power of the Granite State’s $2.7 billion outdoor recreation industry, 新罕布什尔州的公园和娱乐部门与UNH合作,完成了一项全面的五年娱乐管理计划.


That plan, called the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Management Plan, was accepted by the National Park Service recently, 让该州获得数百万美元的联邦娱乐资金. 联合国大学的研究小组对居民的访问模式进行了必要的研究, behaviors, 对新罕布什尔州户外娱乐的态度和看法.

“Outdoor recreation in New Hampshire is a $2.7 billion industry that employs 28,000 workers. We’re home to 48 mountains over 4,000 feet, 10 public beaches, more than 30 ski areas, 1,000 lakes and 12,000 miles of trails.”

“This is a plan for the people and by the people, so public engagement was essential to its success,” says Michael FergusonUNH娱乐管理和政策副教授,他领导了这项研究. “Over two years, we reached more than 1,000 Granite Staters and 300 federal, 州和私人娱乐供应商真正了解新罕布什尔州人民想要什么和需要什么.”

Ferguson and his UNH team, the Applied Recreation Research Collaborative,证实了户外娱乐在该州人们的生活中起着重要作用.

“令人惊讶的是,新罕布什尔州90%的居民每年都参加户外娱乐活动, 72%的人在离家10分钟内就能到达娱乐场所,” Ferguson says. “There was widespread satisfaction in these outdoor experiences, with nearly everyone (98%) indicating they intended to return.”

Other key findings from the UNH-led research and focus groups:

  • 99%的居民认为户外娱乐活动提高了他们的生活质量, mood and stress levels, 85%的人还认为它能促进他们的整体健康和幸福. 
  • 99%的居民认为户外娱乐是该州经济的支柱, enhancing property values, boosting tourism and economic development, 97%的人对国家在户外娱乐方面的投资表示满意. 
  • 85%的居民觉得在户外娱乐场所既安全又有归属感, 欣赏他们在不同种族和民族背景下的可访问性.

Four people stand talking at the side of a lake.
在康威回声湖州立公园,UNH研究员迈克尔·弗格森(灰色)与UNH教务长韦恩·琼斯(左)和校长詹姆斯·迪恩交谈, N.H.

The research also pointed to opportunities for improvement:

  • 25%的居民表示他们已经不再去某些户外娱乐场所, due largely to overcrowding and poor visitor behavior, 近四分之三的户外娱乐提供者认为户外娱乐区域非常拥挤.
  • 四分之三的户外娱乐提供者和58%的游客认为较短的冬季影响了活动. 
  • 20%的居民表示,他们或家中有人的身体或认知状况阻碍了他们参加户外娱乐活动.

“Outdoor recreation in New Hampshire is a $2.7 billion industry that employs 28,000 workers. We’re home to 48 mountains over 4,000 feet, 10 public beaches, more than 30 ski areas, 1,000 lakes and 12,000 miles of trails,” says Ferguson. “我们很高兴有机会为国家提供科学严谨的研究,以支持明智的决策, 针对这些令人难以置信的户外资源的政策制定和金融投资.”  



Jeremy Gasowski | UNH Marketing | | 603-862-4465